Organizational Culture

Strengthen Your Organizational Culture

A strong organizational culture forms the foundation for productivity, innovation, connection, and workplace satisfaction. On the other hand, a dysfunctional culture hinders the organization from achieving goals and progress. Moreover, it can drain energy, affecting motivation and dedication.

A Strong Organizational Culture

The crucial element that significantly impacts organizational culture is the (collective) behavior of your employees. How do they communicate with each other and with external parties? What choices do they make and which ones do they avoid? How do team leaders, managers, and executives provide guidance? This exerts a profound influence on the organization’s performance, team dynamics, customer satisfaction, and costs. Effectively changing the organizational culture requires insight, a thoughtful approach, and commitment.

Michelle Vaessen InContext

Culture is a Top Priority

That is why culture must be a top priority and receive daily attention from every leader, especially during organizational changes or new collaborations. However, culture is intangible; you cannot grasp it, calculate it, or buy it.

Influencing Organizational Culture

InContext specializes in making culture tangible, simplifying it, and influencing it. We help you solve problems, enhance success, and create a learning culture. With an objective and sharp perspective on your current culture, we provide the insights needed to take the next step. As a partner of your company, we assist in the desired culture change. We offer practical interventions, expertise, and (digital) tools that contribute to a positive, productive, and healthy culture.

If you want to learn more about organizational culture, gain insight into culture change, or if you’d like us to brainstorm possibilities within your team or organization, feel free to download our free e-book or contact us without any obligation. We are ready to assist you!

E-book - De 5 stappen van cultuurverandering

E-book Culture Change

We don’t unnecessarily complicate the process of changing organizational culture. In this inspiring e-book, you will find the necessary background information and a five-step approach to strengthen the culture within your organization.