Accell group is an international organization that produces several bike brands. The organization consists of subsidiaries that all have their own vision and processes. The selling market is disrupted by online initiatives. To stay a step ahead, they had to improve and optimize and improve the cooperation within the supply chain, though not at the expense of the unicity of the subsidiaries.
To be able to make the transition a success, the Board of Directors and Managing Directors needed to feel the sense of urgency for the change.
InContext interviewed a wide variety of employees at all levels in the organization to get insight in the processes within the whole organization and the subsidiaries. After that, the business simulation Paceline was developed, consisting of roles, situations and challenges from day-to-day business.
The business simulation Paceline provides insights in the key levers to enable an optimization of the supply chain. Next to that the simulation creates awareness of the advantages and desired conditions of organization wide cooperation and optimization. After the Board of Directors and Managing Directors experienced the simulation it has been played by employees throughout the organization.
“The message of this simulation wasn’t a particularly popular one, so the reactions varied: enthusiasm, resistance, doubts, fear and eagerness. It was all there. Although everybody was diving into the game. It was insightful to be able to see how people related themselves to our change message.”
Jeroen Both, CSCO