How to make sure project managers are able to manage change, create a business vision and are participative leaders?
We developed a tailor-made Management Development Program to support project managers in their personal leadership. This in line with the strategic goals, values and culture and aimed at the specific target group. The program consists of intakes, 3 modules, several assignments and outtakes. Interactive learning methods such as working with actors and cases are used to support the theoretical framework and put it into practice. The cases are based on Damen’s daily practices and terminology.
This, and other experiential learning forms, such as the tailor-made business simulation, help the target group apply their learnings into daily practice and improve their personal skills and effectiveness.
In 2016, participants gave the Damen Management Development programs an average rating of 8,7.
Quotes from participants:
- “This training has made a major contribution to my work; it brought me important new insights.”
- “Due to this training I’m thinking more consciously about leadership, how others see me and how you can ‘influence’ others in a constructive way.”
- “In the training I learned practical tools to deal with daily organizational issues. After the training, I noticed that the decision making process has become easier and that I actively contribute to creating a smoother process.”
- “I do now understand the bigger picture of the organization, the way we should be moving forward and how I can contribute to this.”
“Their down to earth and hands-on way of working relates well to our people and creates necessary insights.”
Selma de Ridder – Global Talent Manager