Hybrid leadership

Hybrid leadership

Covid-19 disrupted the way of working for many organisations. Standard practices regarding working hours, location and teamwork are not self-evident anymore. So, how do we move on from the current improvised situation to a sustainable new way of working? What does this mean for your team and your leadership? Because if you change the way of working, you also need to change your leadership and management style.

Checklist for hybrid leadership 

  • Develop a new way of working
  • Continuously adapt to changing circumstances
  • Maintain a continuous dialogue with your team members and stakeholders
  • Develop a goal-oriented performance management
  • Reflect on your (changing) role as a leader
  • Communicate and engage with your team

Consult, negotiate and adapt

Where to start? The new way of working requests a hybrid work environment in which on site work and remote work are balanced. A context that is able to adapt to the changing needs of team members and other stakeholders. We can support you in having a constructive dialogue with your employees and stakeholders, aligning different points of view towards a shared vision of the new way of working.

Driving and monitoring performance in a hybrid environment

The new way of working leads to a new way of measuring performance. Are you capable to drive and monitor performance in a hybrid environment? The traditional way of performance management, by walking around and having face-to- face contact with your employees, is not sustainable in a hybrid environment. You have to rethink how to keep balance between control and self-management. Where do you locate responsibilities and authority? InContext can be a valuable partner in this journey. We provide maximum support to leaders in search for effective leadership facing a new reality and help you build a new, robust work environment.

Don’t forget yourself 

What impact do all changes have on you as a leader? Are you capable to reflect, learn and adapt your way of communication and your management style? We coach and support leaders in adapting to changing environment while staying true to themselves, their organisation and their teams.