TeamUP – Don’t ‘tell’, but ‘experience’
The group (4 – 7 people) play a modern version of Sea Battles or Battleships in which each participant reacts spontaneously. We then talk with the team about how each member reacted and discuss what effect those behaviors might have on other people. This provides such a safe atmosphere that other issues come up easily and, of course, we take advantage of that opportunity.
Team Challenge
There are 8 different types of game in the team challenge. Every game has a different dynamic and that stimulates super open conversations with one another without the team realizing it. The facilitator makes sure that every participant has a turn and monitors the flow. The content of the games is fed into 3 levels:
Level 1: What can we be proud of? – Recognizing and appreciating
Level 2: Where do we see room for growth? – Opportunities & challenges
Level 3: What is holding us back? – Barriers & patterns
Facilitator is very important while playing TeamUP
I coached TeamUP in a number of teams recently and what happens there in about 3 hours I’d like to see happen for every team. Participants had open and honest conversations that they really wanted to have, but often didn’t or couldn’t dare to begin, in a relaxed, fun and safe atmosphere, Through TeamUP, they experienced how nice it is to have the time to talk to one another like this and they discovered that there is much more to discuss than they had previously thought possible. We often think these open discussions are much scarier than they actually turn out to be.
Do you know a team that could use a moment to be open and honest with each other, to say what they really think and to give their collaboration a boost? I’d love to get in touch!