Grow, excel and strengthen
CHC is a leading international helicopter company specializing in offshore, ambulance flights and search and rescue (SAR) operations. Following successful acquisitions in the United Kingdom and Australia, CHC enlisted InContext to conduct an in-depth analysis of the corporate cultures of the merged organizations. The goal was to present recommendations for seamless integration of the new organization and to offer suggestions for optimizing the overall organizational culture.
From research to solid action
The project started with a thorough screening of the organizational culture within both companies, including on-site research in Australia. This revealed fascinating differences between the cultures of the two organizations, but it also revealed strong similarities that could serve as a basis for further development. Moreover, it became clear that there were significant opportunities for improved internal cooperation and efficiency within the organization, in particular with regard to cooperation between different regions. This would allow the existing organization to generate even more value.
Based on the findings in Australia, it was decided to expand the study to other regions and headquarters. Here the original results were confirmed and expanded upon. Based on these findings, we set up a process with cultural ambassadors to make targeted improvements in the culture and strengthen the existing strengths of the organizational culture. The recommendations were fully adopted by senior management and implemented in several specific improvement projects. In addition, several sessions were organized, using serious gaming, to engage senior management on topics such as culture, collaboration, systems thinking, customer focus and process optimization.
Culture as a driving force
CHC has an exceptionally strong culture. Especially in the area of safety, the organization has an exemplary role within the industry. The project carried out by InContext has led to an overall improvement of the organizational culture. It has led to the simplification of the organization, a renewed focus on core values and identity, the breaking of obstructive images and patterns in the organization, and improved cooperation between departments that previously had little contact with one another. More importantly, the organization itself is now able to sustainably maintain and strengthen its culture, allowing it to continue to grow and excel.
Organizational culture
A strong organizational culture contributes to the success of your organization.