A game focusing on cooperation, support, competition and conflict.
LinkXs can be played online and offline. It is a game that is developed for groups to practice with collaboration, personal leadership, communication and the distribution of available resources. The game is all about skills and attitude, not about knowledge.
The game
LinkXs is played in groups of eight to twelve people. Larger groups can play multiple games at the same time. The duration of the game, including explanation and evaluation(s), is 2½ hours.
A LinkXs game consists of 4 puzzles and associated constructions. Each group is divided into 4 teams. Each team receives puzzle pieces and construction pieces. The aim of the game is to complete the puzzle and its construction as quickly as possible. But there are of course rules, so this is not as obvious as it seems. There is also interdependence. Teams need each other to solve their own puzzle.
The insights your team(s) will get from playing LinkXs:
- Collaboration within and between teams and from different locations
- Open, honest and clear communication
- Personal leadership
- Thinking before doing
- Collaboration versus competition
- Self organization
- Problem-solving and conflict handling
The game evokes recognizable and natural behavior. Participants get the opportunity to reflect and become aware of their own behavior. This reflection provides valuable insights for their daily practice.