Female leadership

Female leadership

Our Female leadership programs have been a great success for many years. Why? They focus on understanding the female side of leadership as well as fully appreciating its positive effects. We look at the interaction between feminine and masculine behavoir, understanding the differences and putting them to good use. An organization that’s able to utilize both feminine and masculine leadership will benefit in many ways: in terms of culture, business, and inclusion of all employees. Ultimately it’s about understanding the context and what it requires from you as a leader.

mimi thian

During our programs, leaders reflect on their behavoir in relationship to others. Challenges that arise on the feminine-masculine dimension are explored and analyzed. To this, we add exercises, theory, and practice. We always focus on the role and the influence of the leader. This results in more personal awareness, mutual understanding, and appreciation benefitting the organization as a whole.

Why do we call this female leadership? Simply because it’s the side of leadership that is seen less often and therefore could do with a little bit of extra attention. You could also call it inclusive leadership. We like to put female leadership in the spotlight, in the interest of leaders, teams, and their organizations.